

Blogger Hacks:How to add "Print Page" option for your blog

Almost all readers will bookmark the stuff they like, however some of them prefer to print posts or articles rightaway for future reference and reading. So here's a hack to enable your blog visitors to be able to print your blog posts. HP has provided a hack. But before anything else, make a backup of your template.

1. Locate </head> in "Edit HTML" box.

2. Paste this code before the tag </head>

<style type="text/css" media="print">
#noprint {display: none;}
// Hide unwanted elements
body {background:fff; color:000;}
// Black text on White background
a {text-decoration: underline; color:00f;}
//Underline Hyperlinks in blue

3. Before saving, preview first to check errors.

4. To add a "Print Page" option , paste this code on the bottom of your post.

<a href="javascript:window.print()">Print Page</a>

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