

Knowing the width of your header wrapper

If your going to put a header image or background for your blog, It is very important to know the width of your header wrapper. For best results and 0% errors, match the width of your header wrapper and the image that your going to upload. For those bloggers who don't know where the size of their header wrapper, ill show you where you will find it.

Just go to edit HTML under layout tab and locate the lines below:
(from default minima template)

#header -wrapper {
margin:0 auto 10px;
border:1px solid $bordercolor;

As you can see, the width is 660px. You can change it if you like depends upon you. If you have fixed width for your wrapper, you make the necessary changes on your header image/background or vice versa.

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Gayathri said...

Thank you for sharing..
I have been searching it for quite some time and being new I dint know a thing abt customising my blog page.. You gave the precise place to search for it.